Israel Support Package -Soldier
You have the opportunity to make a difference and purchase a support package for a soldier on the front line and make a donation to the Resilience Campaign.
The products in this package are produced by small Israeli businesses from the Galilee & Negev who are part of JNF-USA's Small Business Association.
Not only are you giving packages of love you’re giving packages that are keeping businesses alive in Israel.
Soldier Package (All Contents Are Kosher For Passover)
-Seasonal clothing (flip flops, underwear, sweat-wicking clothes, hats, gloves, etc.)
-Fresh Galilean coffee
-Healthy and delicious snacks
-Dried fruit from local farmers
-Handmade chocolate
-Haggadah/ JNF-USA Branded Kippah
And more!
Other Package Options
Family Package ($360)
Family Package+ ($500)
**The soldier support packages are certified by the army. We reach out to the army unit receiving the packages before they are prepared to find out realistically what the unit needs and what would be most helpful.