Israel 201: Your Next-Level Guide to the Magic, Mystery, and Chaos of Life in the Holy Land
From $18
“An ode to life in Israel, with all its ironic, annoying and heartwarming twists” (The Times of Israel) by comedians Joel Chasnoff and Benji Lovitt, Israel 201 goes behind the headlines to show you the Israel you didn’t know you didn’t know. Why do Israelis go bike riding on Yom Kippur? How did Jerusalem’s stray cat problem spur religious debate? And why are Israelis so blunt, even when the truth hurts? From shomer Shabbos car insurance policies and ancient marriage laws to Arab Israeli stand-up comedy and LGBTQ activism in the IDF, Israel 201 goes beyond an introductory “101” course to show you the magic, mystery, and, yes, chaos, of one of the most fascinating and least understood countries on earth.